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Launching of Shanti foundation

About us

Established in 2022, the Shanti Foundation (SF) is a non-governmental organization launched by British-American actress and peace activist Satine Queeni. Shanti donates equally to varied projects worldwide such as protecting the planet and endangered animals, supporting mental health, and justice for everyone everywhere.

The story behind Shanti

Highly inspired by the late 1960s counterculture, associated especially with the "peace and love" hippie movement, Satine Queeni decided to name her foundation "Peace" in the Hindi language, which translates to shanti (शांति).

"I felt like somethings needed to be done in the world. If I can help people in need, I'll do it."

-Satine Queeni

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© 1967 Satine Queeni. All Rights Reserved.

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