Established in October 2024, the Shanti Homelessness Relief Project, an extension of the Shanti foundation, was created out of our founder Satine Queeni's perspective of inequality in the world. Whilst services available to homeless individuals include temporary housing, shelter, restrooms, showers, meals, transportation, addictions/mental health counseling, job training and case management, it is not enough and homeless individuals could still greatly use your help. Here is how you can help the homeless in your community in small yet effective ways.
- Donate to an organization fighting homelessness
- Advocate & vote (ex: for low-income housing)
- Intercultural and interfaith dialogues
- Volunteer (at a food pantry or shelter)
- Start a fundraiser
- Engage in a conversation when encountered
- Have compassion & practice kindness
- Water bottles
- Clothing (socks, jackets)
- Food (cereal bars, sandwiches, crackers, peanut butter)
- Gift cards (gift certificate to fast food)
- Hygiene products (hand wipes, toothpaste/toothbrushes)
- Sleeping bags, rain ponchos, backpacks
- Childcare items (toys)